Unlocking Opportunities: Tools and Tactics to Diversify your Fundraising

Rohit Mehta, Founder of DoGood Fundraising, for a deep dive on Diversifying Your Fundraising. You will leave with new knowledge and effective tools for sustaining the financial futures of queer organizations.

The Path to Partnership: Best Practices for Building Relationships with Private & Community Foundations

Non-profits often rely significantly on government funding, and due to systemic and historical barriers, have not created or established relationships with private/community foundations. This session serves as a way to share best practices in creating relationships with foundations for 2SLGBTQI+ organizations.

The Power and Possibility of Endowments

Following the successes of the Equality Fund and the securing of the Black-led Philanthropic Endowment Fund, as well at the Federal 2SLGBTQ+ Action Plan, The Enchanté Network is exploring the possibility a national 2SLGBTQI+ Endowment.

This session will serve as a connector across movements, as well as sharing the process of securing an endowment from the federal government across different stages of the endowment life cycle.