National Groups

ARC Foundation

ARC Foundation envisions a world where children and youth of all sexual orientations and gender identities live authentic lives. Their mission is foster Awareness, Respect and Capacity through SOGI-inclusive K-12 education. ARC Foundation’s primary program is SOGI 1 2 3 which helps educators make schools safer and more inclusive for students of all sexual orientations and gender identities (SOGI) through policies and procedures, guidance on creating inclusive environments, and classroom resources. |

Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity (CCGSD)

The Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity works to stop bullying, discrimination and homophobia in schools and communities in Canada, and abroad.

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Community-Based Research Centre (CBRC)

Community-Based Research Centre (CBRC) promotes the health of people of diverse sexualities and genders through research and intervention development. CBRC’s core pillars – community-led research, knowledge exchange, network building, and leadership development – position the organization as a thought leader, transforming ideas into actions that make a difference in our communities.

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Diversity Ed. Safer Spaces Canada

Diversity Ed. Safer Spaces Canada is dedicated to improving the lives of 2SLGBTQAI+ people, their families, friends and allies across Canada through education, training, programming, conferences and continued advocacy and lobbying. 

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Hope for Refugees International (HRI)

Hope for Refugees International’s goal is to extend a compassionate hand to those who have been displaced by conflict, persecution, and hardship with a commitment to improving access to immigration services, improving health care including Mental Health, essential Sexual Reproductive Health Services and HIV/AIDS services, achieving gender equality, defeating poverty, fighting inequality and climate change and advancing social justice.

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Ilga Canada

Works to achieve and maintain recognition and protection of the human rights of people with diverse SOGIESC by the United Nations and other global institutions.

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It Gets Better Canada

It Gets Better Canada is proud to continue to uplift 2SLGBTQ+ voices across Canada.

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Lambda foundation

Lambda foundation is a Canadian charity that aims to create university scholarships in research related to LGBTQ+ people & to reward human rights leaders in high school.

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National Network for Immigrants and Refugees Canada (NNIRC)

The National Network for Immigrants and Refugees Canada (NNIRC) is a grassroots organization led by Black youth immigrants and refugees, aimed at supporting and empowering fellow immigrants and refugees. Their organization is dedicated to providing ongoing, frontline programming and services specifically tailored to Black LGBTQ+ communities

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Positive Space Network

Positive Space Network empowers leaders, business owners, and the LGBTQ2S+ community through specialized coaching services, practical information, interactive tools, and updated articles. Their goal is to foster resilience, enabling individuals to thrive in their fields and communities.

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TransCare+ is a community-based organization run by and for queer and gender diverse folx. We strive to centre holistic, community-focused, and anti-colonial understandings of care and wellness in a way that is accessible to queer and gender diverse folx of various lived experiences. To do so, we work with queer and gender diverse communities to identify, develop, and provide services and resources that meet the care needs of queer and gender diverse folx across so-called Canada. TransCare+ operates as a knowledge hub, educational platform/service provider, and care collective.

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Pride at Work Canada – Fierté au travail Canada

Through dialogue, education and thought leadership, Pride at Work Canada empowers employers to build workplaces that celebrate all employees regardless of gender expression, gender identity, and sexual orientation.

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WorQshops purpose is to address and decrease occurrences of homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, cisheterosexism and targeted violence, harassment and discrimination in Canada.

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Alberta Sex Positive Education and Community Centre

based in Edmonton 

ASPECC is a sex-positive, non-profit organization that was founded by sex-positive individuals with the goal of providing a Safe(r) space to support the public by offering shame-free sex education resources with a focus on consent, sexual empowerment, and sexual diversity. We operate out of pop-up locations across the province, as well as online.

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Affirming Connections

Affirming Connections strengthens and amplifies the affirming voices and actions of fully inclusive faith and spiritual communities and people in Central and Southern Alberta, and beyond. Together, they proactively reach out and work alongside allies and individuals in the 2SLGBTQIA+ (Two Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer,, Intersex, Asexual) community.

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Calgary OutLink Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity

based in Calgary

Non-profit charity dedicated to providing support, resources, education, and outreach for 2SLGBTQIA+ communities in Moh’kinsstis/Calgary on Treaty 7.

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Centre for Sexuality (C4S)

Centre for Sexuality normalizes sexuality and sexual health in Alberta and across Canada by providing evidence-informed, non-judgmental sexual health programs and services. Their work is community-based, prevention-focused, and nationally recognized. They have been leading the way in the areas of sexuality, healthy relationships, human rights, gender identity, sexual orientation, equality and consent for 50 years.

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Comité francoqueer de l'ouest

based in Edmonton

Le Comité FrancoQueer de l’Ouest est la ressource connexe 2SLGBTQIA+ pour les personnes d’expression française en situation minoritaire dans l’Ouest Canadien.

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Black Pride YYC

Black Pride YYC is a Calgary-based 2SLGBTQ+ non-profit, volunteer-driven and community service organization providing support programs to the African, Black and Caribbean communities. They provide members with an opportunity to find a community of like-minded individuals where they are accepted without bias and given the opportunity to thrive.

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Fruit Loop Society of Alberta

based in Edmonton

The Fruit Loop Society of Alberta is an Edmonton-based, volunteer-led non-profit social enterprise. We provide inclusive events, dynamic social media, and special initiatives for Alberta’s LGBTQ2S+ community.

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Calgary Queer Arts

based in Calgary

Calgary Queer Arts Society is a nonprofit organization located in Calgary, Alberta that exists to give voice to queer people and their stories.

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Outloud Foundation for LGBTQ Community Supports and Services

based in St. Albert

Outloud first opened its doors in March 2014 as a safe, inclusive space for youth who feel different to connect with each other and allies, away from the intense bullying and high suicide rates still prevalent in LGBTQ youth.

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Edmonton 2 Spirit Society

based in Edmonton

To re-establish and enhance our traditional roles and responsibilities as Two Spirit people in Indigenous communities while creating supportive environments within all societies for contemporary Two Spirit peoples.

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OUTreach Southern Alberta

based in Lethbridge

OUTreach Southern Alberta Society responds to the needs of the Two-Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Trans, Queer, Intersex, Asexual (2SLGBTQIA+) community of Lethbridge, AB and surrounding area by supplying resources, education and opportunities to foster self-determination, civic engagement and community participation.

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Institute for Sexual Minority Studies and Services (ISMSS)

based in Edmonton

The Institute for Sexual Minority Studies & Services (iSMSS) is a non-profit organization and research institute housed in the Faculty of Education at the University of Alberta. iSMSS provides educational programs and services to support the 2SLGBTQ+ community and its allies. Through our partnerships with various local Edmonton organizations such as the Pride Centre, LGBTQ+ Wellness Centre, and Altview we provide direct services from mental health support to 2SLGBTQ+ education to the community.

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Rarica Now

Raricanow is a non-profit organization with the aim of promoting Human Rights for all LGBTIQ+ refugees and newcomers in Canada.

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Queer and Trans Health Collective

based in Edmonton

The Queer & Trans Health Collective (QTHC) is a grassroots health organization run by and for queer and trans community members.Working alongside our community, we empower queer and trans well-being through programming which promotes equitable access to health education, support, capacity building, community-based research, and provider training.

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Shades of Colour

This is a space founded by and for members of the community for QTIBPOCs (queer and trans, Indigenous, Black, and people of colour) in Edmonton, Alberta on Treaty 6 & Métis territory. We provide ongoing support for individuals who are seeking community and or struggling with their identities. As of November 2018, Shades of Colour is officially an APIRG! working group!

Through arts, writing, music, story sharing, and interactive workshops, we facilitate open and honest discussions to hold space for each other as we heal, grow and learn. We host meet-ups throughout the year at various locations around the city. White folks & non-LGBTQ POC can support Shades of Colour by becoming patrons, helping fundraise, and telling people about us!

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Red Deer Queer Community Association

based in Red Deer

The Red Deer Queer Community Association is a non-profit organisation that provides 2SLGBTQIA+ community and education services, as well as advocacy for 2SLGBTQIA+ peoples within the City of Red Deer and the surrounding area. We have been in operation since 2018 and officially gained our non-profit status in 2020. We believe that it is important to provide visibility and advocacy for 2SLGBTQIA+ peoples within Central Alberta, and hope that in doing so, those individuals will understand that they are not alone and that we stand together with them.

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Skipping Stone Scholarship Foundation

based in Calgary

Skipping Stone leads the way in providing affirming care to trans and gender-diverse youth, adults, and families.
We offer a welcoming, positive, and judgement-free space for anyone who identities as trans, transgender, non-binary, or gender diverse, as well as those questioning, exploring or looking to affirming their gender identity or expression.

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The AltView Foundation for Gender Variant and Sexual Minorities

based in Edmonton

altView is a safe place for people who identify with a sexual minority or gender variant; the organization strives to foster the inclusion of individuality and diversity in terms of gender and sexuality. altView focuses on building community through social support, advocacy, empowerment, education and consciousness raising. Its educational mission is to raise awareness of the effects of systematic discrimination and oppression that LGTBQ people endure, and empower people to fight for equality.

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The Landing

based in Edmonton

The Landing is a Students’ Union service at the University of Alberta main campus that offers support for gender and sexual diversity. We strive to promote gender equity on a broad scale, and advocate for the safety and acceptance of individuals of all genders and sexualities in campus life. As part of this mandate, we support LGBTQ2S+ communities and individuals as well as their supporters, friends, family and loved ones.

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The Pride Centre of Edmonton

based in Edmonton

The Pride Centre of Edmonton provides a non-judgmental, welcoming space where people of all attractions, identities, and expressions can be themselves, find support, meet new people, and be part of a caring community. The Centre offers resources, volunteer opportunities, counselling, and sensitive and expert information and referrals for those seeking help. The Centre also organizes programs to help improve the social, mental, and physical health of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.

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Trellis Society for Community Impact

based in Calgary

At Trellis we work with children, youth and families to unearth their potential and support their growth. Our programs focus on improving access to resources, developing family and community supports and building people’s capacity to deal with life’s challenges.

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UBUNTU - Mobilizing Central Alberta

UBUNTU – Mobilizing Central Alberta’s mission is to act as a bridge in connecting and mobilizing Central Albertan communities in racial and social justice through engagement, advocacy and community building.

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British Columbia

Advocacy Canada

based in Kelowna is a non-profit organization committed to unifying and amplifying 2S-LGBTQIA+ community voices on important social and political advocacy issues. We acknowledge that we are located on the unceded traditional lands of the Okanagan Syilx People and we endeavour to do our work through the lens of decolonization.

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Alberni Valley Pride Society

based in Port Alberni

Alberni Valley Pride serves the LGBTQ2+ and allies in the Alberni Valley.

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Alexandra Neighbourhood House

based in Surrey

Alex House facilitates the LOVE Lower Mainland Community Response Network, a stakeholder table working collaboratively to reduce the risk of abuse, neglect, and self-neglect of vulnerable 2SLGBTQ+ seniors and other adults in the Metro Vancouver and Fraser Health Regions. We are also one of the three lead organisations marshalling community partners in collaborating to develop a 2SLGBTQ+ service hub in Surrey.

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Chilliwack Gender Care Committee

based in Chilliwack

The Chilliwack Youth Health Centre creates a space that provides integrated health and wellness services to youth and young adults (ages 12-26) on a drop in basis in a safe and supportive environment.

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Coastal Queer Alliance

Coastal Queer Alliance is a local non-profit organization committed to creating resources, augmenting representation, and facilitating collaborative opportunities for the queer community.

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Coast Salish Two Spirit Pride Collective

The purpose of the Coast Salish Two-Spirit Collective is to collaborate and offer guidance around programming, events and activities regarding Two-Spirit supports, resources, Indigenous gender and sexual health, to be offered within Coast Salish Territories to community members.

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Family Services of the North Shore

based in Vancouver

Family Services of the North Shore is a non-profit, community-based agency. For over 60 years, we have been committed to making deep and lasting impact across the entire North Shore, from Deep Cove to Bowen Island and every point in between. We offer counselling, support, education, and volunteer engagement opportunities to help you reach your full potential throughout your life, whenever you need us most.

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Four Feathers Society

based in Vancouver

The Four Feathers Society is a tribe of Aboriginals living in British Columbia who self-identify as being two-spirit, gay, lesbian, Transgender, Bi-sexual, Intersex, and/or Queer. The society strives to provide opportunities to its members to strengthen and heal their spirits, hearts, minds and physical well-being.

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HIM - Health Initiative for Men

based in Vancouver

HIM is a nonprofit society that aims to strengthen the health and well-being in communities of self-identified GBQ men and gender diverse people in BC. We offer a full spectrum of health-based programming and services to meet the sexual, mental, physical and social health needs of communities of self-identified GBQ men and gender diverse people in BC.

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Lii Michif Otipemisiwak Local

Lii Michif Otipmisiwak envisions that all Métis children, youth and families live with love, honour, dignity and respect knowing they belong to a strong, proud People with a unique heritage and cultural identity.

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LOVE (Leave Out Violence) BC

For over two decades, LOVE (Leave Out Violence) BC has been at the forefront of violence prevention by empowering underserved youth across the Lower Mainland through its Media Arts and Leadership Programs and Workshops.

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PACE: Providing Advocacy, Counselling and Education Society

based in Vancouver

PACE Society is a peer-driven organization located in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver that provides support, advocacy, and education by, with, and for current and former sex workers.

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Pinoy Pride Vancouver

based in Vancouver

PPVS is a Social and Support Group for the Filipino-Canadian LGBTQ+ community, their families, friends and supporters.

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Qmunity is BC’s Queer, Trans, & Two-Spirit Resource Centre. Unceded Territories of the Coast Salish Peoples.

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Saige Community Food bank

based in Vancouver

The Saige Community Food bank is a food bank that provides a no barrier safe space for transgender and gender non-conforming or queer individuals to access healthy food, as well as support from their LGBTQ2+ peers and allies. It is also open to any individuals in need of food, or that cannot access government food banks because of barriers such as ID, lack of housing, income or other specifics needed to be accepted.

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Sher Vancouver

based in Vancouver

Sher Vancouver hopes to reduce the alienation and discrimination of people dealing with sexuality, gender and coming-out issues.

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Senior Care Prism

based in Vancouver

Senior care prism bridges the gap between the needs of equity seeking seniors groups and today’s senior sector. No organization is too small to improve inclusivity, we work with small, medium and large businesses and organizations in both the private and public sectors.

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South Okanagan Similkameen Pride Society

based in Penticton

South Okanagan Similkameen Pride Society supports the regional 2SLGBTQIA+ community through education, advocacy and providing safe spaces and inclusive events for everyone.

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The Fernie Pride Society

based in Fernie

The FERNIE PRIDE SOCIETY supports and connects the 2SLGBTQ+ community in the Elk Valley. Incorporated in December 2016, the Society is a hub for 2SLGBTQ+ people and their allies, programming special events as well as providing resource referrals.

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TransParent Okanagan

based in Kelowna

TransParent is a non-profit organization developed by and for parents and caregivers of trans, gender diverse, and two-spirit people in Kelowna and the Okanagan. We host monthly facilitated support meetings for parents, as well as family social events, guest speakers and learning events. We also moderate and maintain a closed Facebook support group and advocate on behalf of families within the community, with local and federal politicians, in schools and with the school district board. We maintain a lending library of books, videos and other resources to support families.

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Uncover Brilliance, Transforming Racism

based in Vancouver

Uncover Brilliance, Transforming Racism: A mindfulness program for BIMPoC trans, Two-Spirit, non-binary people.

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Vancouver Pride Society

based in Vancouver

Vancouver Pride Society strives to produce inclusive, celebratory events, and advocate for 2SLGBTQAI+ communities through an intersectional lens.

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Manitoba 2SLGBTQIA+ Student Action Coalition

Manitoba 2SLGBTQIA+ Student Action Coalition is an open group of post-secondary students from universities across Winnipeg that organizes public actions, such as rallies, vigils, and events, around trans and queer rights and to stand against hate. They share information on their social media to identify and correct misinformation spread about the community and participate in spreading media awareness of community issues.

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Rainbow Resource Centre

based in Winnipeg

Rainbow Resource Centre offers support to the 2SLGBTQ+ community in the form of counselling, education, and programming for individuals ranging from children through to 55±. It also supports families, friends, and employers of 2SLGBTQ+ individuals.

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Two-Spirited People of Manitoba

based in Winnipeg

The Two-Spirited People of Manitoba began in 1986 in Winnipeg. A group of concerned community members came together to support each other and plan community events. We became a non-profit organization in September 2007. We are a community-based organization focused on helping Indigenous LGBTQ/Two-Spirit people improve their lives. With the help of our tireless volunteers, we provide awareness workshops, advocate to prevent homophobia and transphobia, and organize community events.

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New Brunswick

AIDS New Brunswick / SIDA Nouveau-Brunswick

based in Fredericton

AIDS New Brunswick is a non-profit organization with a provincial lens working to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted and blood borne infections (STBBIs), education about STBBIs, and support people living with HIV/AIDS and hepatitis C. Reporting to the Board of Directors, the Executive Director is responsible for all aspects of the agency’s operations including but not limited to: funding management, human resources, and project management.

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Alter Acadie: L'Organisme Franco-Queer du Nouveau-Brunswick

Alter Acadie is a provincial organization based in New Brunswick, dedicated to rooting queer identity and expression in Acadia and rural areas. They are a political lobbying group and spokespeople for the Franco-queer community in New Brunswick.

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Chroma: Pride, Inclusion, Equality Inc.

based in Saint-Johns

Chroma is a community organization focusing on advocating for 2SLGBTQIA+ people in the Saint John Region. Our goal is to promote initiatives and highlight issues impacting our community by maintaining a strong cohesive voice.

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ENSEMBLE - Creating Safe Spaces

based in Moncton

Ensemble travaille á: Réduire les méfaits; une approche sans jugement qui reconnaît que l’utilisation de drogue existe et qui tente de minimiser les dommages et les risques associés à l’usage de drogues; Promouvoir et à soutenir le développement d’environnements sécuritaires dans la région pour les jeunes lesbiennes, gais, bisexuels, transgenres, bi-spirituels et en questionnement (LGBTQ); Aider à améliorer la qualité de vie des personnes infectées et touchées par le VIH/SIDA et à réduire la propagation du VIH et des autres infections transmissibles sexuellement à travers l’éducation et divers programmes de prévention.

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Gris Acadie

based in Edmundston

Le GRIS – Acadie (Groupe de Recherche et d’Intervention Social) est un organisme à but non lucratif créé en 2019 dont la mission générale est de favoriser une meilleure connaissance de la diversité sexuelle et de genre. Ceci permet de faciliter l’intégration et l’épanouissement des personnes LGBT+ dans la société au Nouveau Brunswick et dans les autres provinces de l’Atlantique.

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Le Rendez-vous de la Fierté Acadie Love, Inc.

based in Caraquet

Le Rendez-vous de la fierté Acadie Love veut célébrer la diversité par le biais d’activités culturelles comprenant un volet éducatif. Nous avons pour mission de promouvoir l’inclusion, la solidarité et la sensibilisation à la communauté 2ELGBTQIA+.

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QT Fatties

based in Fredicton

A grassroots collective by and for 2SLGBTQ+ fat folks in New Brunswick, on Mi’kmaq and Wolastoqiyik territory.

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Queer Heritage Initiative of New Brunswick

based in New Brunswick

QHINB-IPQNB is an archival research initiative that aims to collect and preserve 2LBGTQ+ content and provides opportunities for public education throughout the province.

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Newfoundland & Labrador

Camp Ohana

based in Cornerbrook

Camp Ohana Was Made for Youth by Youth. The first Camp Ohana took place in 2018. Since then, Camp Ohana has continued to grow as the first LGBTQ+ summer camp in Western NL run by youth for youth, for members of the community, and allies.

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Elizabeth Fry society of NL

based in St. John’s

EFRY NL is a new, grass roots, not-for-profit organization located in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador that is dedicated to supporting and advocating for criminalized and incarcerated women and gender diverse people.

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Fogo Island Pride

based in Fogo

Fogo Island Pride is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing support to members of the Queer community and their allies on Fogo Island and in rural Newfoundland and Labrador.

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Grand Falls-Windsor Pride Inc.

based in Grand Falls-Windsor

Pride Grand Falls-Windsor is a group of 2SLGBTQ+ community members and allies who work together to promote equality and advocate for 2SLGBTQ+ folks by sharing support, educational resources and hosting Pride events.

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Labrador West Pride

based in Labrador

Labrador West LGBT Pride Group is open to all members of the community. We will be hosting events throughout the year to come together and raise awareness and support for the LGBT community. So join, share, invite your friends, and get notified of the upcoming LGBT events in Lab West!

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Planned Parenthood NL Sexual Health Centre

based in St. John’s

Planned Parenthood Newfoundland and Labrador Sexual Health Centre is a non-profit charitable organization that promotes positive sexual health and 2SLGBTQIA+ inclusion through education, community partnership, information and services within an environment that supports and respects individual choice.

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Quadrangle Community Centre Inc.

based in St. John’s

QUADRANGL is on a mission to create a community centre for 2SLGBTQIA+ individuals and organizations, a space that is a resource for building community resilience and connection, and that provides supports for existing and future initiatives of our 2SLGBTQIA+ community. Ours is a vision of building sustainable community connections through cooperative communal space as a provincial charity with the sole mandate to serve our community.

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Spectrum Queer Choir Inc.

based in St. John’s

Founded in 2011, we are the first community choir in newfoundland and labrador for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer people and our allies.

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Trans Support Newfoundland

based in St. John’s

Trans Support NL supports the Two Spirit, non binary, trans, and gender diverse communities of Newfoundland & Labrador.

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Northwest Territories

Northern Mosaic Network

based in Yellowknife

As an organization, the Northern Mosaic Network strives to make communities in the Northwest Territories a safer, more open, more knowledgeable place for all 2SLGBTQIPA+ people and their allies. We are working to restructure our entire organization to de-centralize from Yellowknife and continue the work we’ve been doing in communities that we’ve been building over the last few years.

We were formerly known as the Rainbow Coalition of Yellowknife and, before that, It Gets Better Yellowknife.

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Nova Scotia

AIDS Coalition of Nova Scotia

We strive to create an environment in which people living with and affected by HIV/AIDS feel empowered and supported. Our aim is to end stigma and discrimination, and reduce new cases of HIV.

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Elderberries Society of Halifax

Are you fifty or older; lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, or two-spirited and looking for a mixed social group beyond the bar scene? NSRAP Elderberries may be the group for you.

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Halifax Sexual Health Centre

The mission of Halifax Sexual Health Centre is to improve and optimize the sexual health of all members of their community, by providing high-quality and caring services, and empowering clients to make healthy choices.

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Nova Scotia Rainbow Action Project Society (NSRAP)

The Nova Scotia Rainbow Action Project (NSRAP) seeks equity, justice, and human rights for 2SLGBTQIA+ people in Nova Scotia. NSRAP seeks to create change in our communities and our society at large so that all 2SLGBTQIA+ people are included, valued, and celebrated.

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Pictou County Rainbow Community

This group is to keep the public informed as well as facilitate planning for PRIDE in Pictou County.

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Proud Pairs

Proud Pairs is a one-on-one mentorship program connecting 2SLGBTQ+ youth with 2SLGBTQ+ adults in Kjipuktuk/Halifax Regional Municipality.

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Queer Arabs of Halifax

A safe space and social group for queer and trans (LGBTQ+) Arabs and Middle Eastern folks in K’jipuktuk (Halifax, NS) to hang out, support each other, and be ourselves.

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Queer Faculty and Staff Caucus – Dalhousie

The QFSC seeks to build a university community where people of all sexual orientations and gender identities feel heard, affirmed, valued, and respected.

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Sexual Health Nova Scotia (SHNS)

Sexual Health Nova Scotia (SHNS) represents the provincial network of community-based sexual health centres. They work together to champion positive sexual health throughout the lifespan for all in Nova Scotia.

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Society of Queer Momentum

Momentum runs programming and advocacy campaigns that help 2SLGBTQIA+ people thrive. Their areas of focus — confronting hate, promoting mental health, realizing the rights of 2SLGBTQIA+ children and youth, and ending gender-based violence — guide their work alongside 2SLGBTQIA+ communities.

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Wabanaki 2 Spirit Alliance

The W2SA is a group of volunteers, researchers, academics, knowledge holders, youth and Elder Wabanaki Two-Spirits and Allies.

Members of the Alliance self-identify in various ways, which include: Two-Spirits, Two-Spirited, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Indigiqueer, and the “+” may represent non-conforming, non-binary expressions. People may use English terms or terms which may be from their Indigenous languages.

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Positive Space Nunavut

based in Iqaluit

The Positive Space Network builds community and creates safer spaces for 2SLGBTQ+ youth ages 6-24 in Halton Region by creating youth-focused programming, providing mental health support and cultivating community partnerships. We are actively working towards a future in which diverse 2SLGBTQ+ youth, individuals and families live in a welcoming and supportive world.


Advocacy 4 Kindness

based in London

Advocacy 4 Kindness strives towards creating a welcoming, safe, and non pathologizing community for all Intersex Individuals and their families by providing community outreach, peer support, and education about the intersex community and barriers they currently face.

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AIDS Committee of Durham Region

based in Durham

ACDR leads in the creation of a safe and healthy community, free from stigma, where every person has the opportunity for a meaningful and fulfilling life.

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AIDS Committee of Toronto (ACT)

ACT is dedicated to reducing new HIV infections in Toronto and fostering the independence, dignity, health, and well-being of individuals living with HIV and AIDS, as well as those at elevated risk. Since they were founded in 1983, they have upheld principles of equity, access, and non-discrimination. Their vision encompasses a Toronto free of new HIV infections, where individuals and communities affected by HIV and AIDS lead long and healthy lives, unburdened by stigma and discrimination.

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AIDS Committee of Ottawa

based in Ottawa

The AIDS Committee of Ottawa (ACO) provides support, prevention, education and outreach services from an integrated, anti-racism, anti-oppression social justice framework that promotes the holistic well-being of those living with, affected by, impacted by and at risk of HIV/AIDS in Ottawa. The AIDS Committee of Ottawa has been serving the community since 1985.

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Alliance for South Asian AIDS Prevention

based in Toronto

Alliance for South Asian AIDS Prevention, we see the value in everyone. We want to be a catalyst for positive change, and since our debut, we’ve been driven by the same ideas we initially founded our Nonprofit Organization upon: support, empowerment, and progress, and breaking stigma around HIV.

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Asian Community AIDS Services

based in Toronto

Asian Community AIDS Services (ACAS) is a charitable, non-profit, community-based organization located in Toronto, Canada. We provide safer sex education and services to the East and Southeast Asian communities and support services to persons living with HIV/AIDS and members of the LGBTQ communities.

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Bi+ Canada
Bi+ Arts Festival

based in Toronto

The Bi+ Arts Festival is an all volunteer group of visual and performing artists, authors and community activists. We produce an annual arts festival every September, and offer community programming throughout the year.

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Blue Door

based in York Region

Founded in 1982 and the largest emergency housing provider in York Region, Blue Door provides lifesaving support to children, youth, men, women, and families at risk of or experiencing homelessness.

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Black Gay Men's Network Ontario

based in Toronto

The Black Gay Men’s Network of Ontario is a centralized hub for same-gender-loving men of African, African diaspora, Afro-Latino, Caribbean and Black identities, operating from Toronto as an independent and autonomous entity. Our goal is to provide cultural, intergenerational and mentorship opportunities, leadership, self-development and empowerment as well as activism support aimed at improving the lives of Black queer people in Ontario.

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CANVAS Arts Action Programs

CANVAS Programs is an Ontario-based charity that provides empathy-based education on consent and 2SLGBTQ+ inclusion. CANVAS envisions a society in which all people are free to live authentically and have the tools to form safe, caring relationships. They believe that high-quality, proactive, arts-inspired education is key to combatting and ultimately ending homophobia, transphobia and sexual violence. Through creative and compassionate workshop facilitation, participants critically examine harmful norms, learn about the struggles of marginalized groups, and recognize their capacity to affect positive change.

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Capital Rainbow Refuge

based in Ottawa

Capital Rainbow Refuge is a registered non-profit organization founded in 2010 to support and sponsor LGBTQI+ refugees. Through volunteer-led sponsor groups, advocacy, community building and outreach, we help LGBTQI+ refugees and newcomers arrive and thrive in Eastern Ontario.

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Centre33 is dedicated to the needs of 2SLGBTQIA+ youth. They are an accessible, affirming and inclusive safe space that fosters healthy understandings of self, embracing the diversity of an individual’s sexual orientation, gender expression and gender identity while nurturing the development of friendships and support networks.

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Centretown Community Health Centre

based in Ottawa

Centretown Community Health Centre is a nonprofit, multi-service Community Health Centre that is playing an active role in the community since 1969. Our programs and services provide an ingrained presence in communities throughout the city so people can access the support that they need.

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Community One Foundation

based in Toronto

The Community One Foundation provides grants for projects that enhance the development of the 2SLGBTTIQQ+ communities in the Greater Toronto Area. Over 1,000 important and innovative community projects have been supported through the generous contributions of our donors.

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Elevate Equity

based in Toronto

Elevate Equity is Toronto’s first Trans-led organization promoting employment equity for Black, Indigenous Trans and Non-binary communities of colour.

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Family Services Ottawa, Around the Rainbow Program

based in Ottawa

LGBTTQ+ Around the Rainbow is a community-based program which provides a full range of education, counselling and support services offered by Family Services Ottawa. We support the lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, two spirit, queer and questioning (LGBTTQ+) communities and allies.

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Fierté Simcoe Pride

based in Simcoe

Fierté Simcoe Pride (FSP) formed in May of 2012 as a small grassroots volunteer group aiming to unite people in Pride across the County. As an organization, FSP continues a long tradition of LGBT organizing in Simcoe while working with other organizations, groups, and partners to build community.

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Fierté Sudbury Pride

based in Sudbury

Active since 1997 and incorporated in 2012, Fierté Sudbury Pride (FSP) is a not for profit community based organization dedicated to supporting, educating, and celebrating the 2SLGBTQ+ population of the City of Greater Sudbury. We foster understanding and diversity by showcasing 2SLGBTQ+ culture at events such as art shows, festivals, and concerts. We aim to provide services free of stigma and discrimination for EVERYONE, regardless of religion, creed, race, gender or sexual orientation (including non-2SLGTBQ+ people).

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based in Toronto

FrancoQueer est l’association francophone des personnes lesbiennes, gaies, bisexuelles, bispirituelles, trans, en questionnement, queer, intersexuées, asexuelles, non binaires et plus (LGBTQIA+) et leurs allié.e.s à Toronto et en Ontario. Fondée en 2006 et dûment enregistrée en tant qu’organisme sans but lucratif en Ontario, FrancoQueer est la première association par et pour les personnes LGBTQIA+ francophones de la province.

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Friends of Ruby

based in Toronto

Friends of Ruby is dedicated to the progressive well-being of LGBTQI2S youth (aged 16-29) through mental health services, social services and housing. Our approach is comprehensive, involving mind, body and community – wherever you are on your personal journey.

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Gay Straight Alliance Club (Sioux Lookout)

based in Sioux Lookout

Genders & Sexualities Alliances, or GSAs for short, are student-run organizations that unite LGBTQ+ and allied youth to build community and organize around issues impacting them in their schools and communities. GSAs have evolved beyond their traditional role to serve as safe spaces for LGBTQ+ youth in middle schools and high schools, and have emerged as vehicles for deep social change related to racial, gender, and educational justice

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Guelph Resource Centre for Gender Empowerment and Diversity - GRCGED

based in Guelph

GRCGED provides service to the diverse University of Guelph community through structured and unstructured peer and other types of support. GRCGED fosters mental health and provides a place where talking about mental health or disabilities is not stigmatized, and where survivors of trauma are believed and supported. GRCGED has recently added Academic Support as a new focus for the centre as there have been requests for workshops and skill building that expand on what is already provided by the University

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Gender and Sexuality Resource Centre

based in Ottawa

The Gender and Sexuality Resource Centre (GSRC) is a safe(r) space for Carleton students wishing to connect with queer and trans community.

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Hamilton Trans Health Coalition

based in Hamilton

Hamilton Trans Health Coalition is a group of health care providers, advocates, and community members working together to increase the capacity of Hamilton’s primary health care system to deliver high-quality gender-affirming healthcare to trans, gender-diverse, and non-binary people who live, learn, work, and play in Hamilton.

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Indus Community Services

based in Missisauga

Indus Community Services (Indus) is an accredited, not-for-profit community benefit organization that has served local communities for 35 years. The agency is a registered charity supported by its donors and by all three levels of government. Indus, through its professional staff of 140+ personnel, are leaders in providing culturally appropriate services to newcomers, families, women and seniors. The Gold Seal indicates that our services and programs meet the highest international standards and are an indication of the organization’s dedication and commitment to improving the quality of the lives of people served.

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based in Ottawa

JusticeTrans is an organization run by trans people for trans people and was founded on the belief that everyone, regardless of identity or lived experience, should have access to justice. Our approach centres principles of decolonization, anti-oppression, transformative social justice, intersectionality, mutual aid, and accessibility. We acknowledge that many Two Spirit, trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming (2STNBGN) individuals face additional barriers to accessing justice due to intersecting marginalized identities and lived experiences, and we seek to prioritize these voices within our organization’s work and leadership. Through our efforts to acknowledge the diversity of justice needs within 2STNBGN communities

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Kind Space

based in Ottawa

Kind Space is committed to providing Ottawa – located on unceded Algonquin territory, accessible resources, events, social, and educational programming to celebrate and support people of all sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions.

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Le Centre de la fierté de l'Université d'Ottawa

based in Ottawa

The Pride Centre is an independent, student-run service that strives to promote and represent a culture of affirmation through the celebration of individual diversity and choice in all areas of life. We address various equity sectors (anti-ableism, anti-racism, anti-colonialism, etc.) with a core focus on the intersections of gender and sexuality topics at the University of Ottawa. By hosting events, programming, offering resources and advocatingfor students, we look to create an environment of respect and acceptance with our communities and allies.

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LGBT Youthline

based in Toronto

LGBT YouthLine is a 2SLGBTQ+ youth-led organization that affirms and supports the experiences of youth (29 and under) across Ontario. We do this by providing anonymous peer support and referrals; training youth to provide support to other youth; and providing resources so youth can make informed decisions.

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Maggie's Toronto

based in Toronto

Maggie’s Toronto Sex Workers Action Project is one of Canada’s oldest sex worker justice organizations serving sex workers across Toronto and the GTAS for nearly 40 years! We offer public health programming and peer support, skill-shares and community education for sex workers. Maggie’s also runs food security initiatives, mental health and wellness programming, as well as legal advocacy, political organizing and engagement work.

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MAX Ottawa

based in Ottawa

MAX is on the ground in the Ottawa region, reaching out to guys into guys where they meet and socialize, raising awareness, providing prevention and education materials, and getting them connected to information and resources.

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Mississauga Services for Seniors
Muslim Pride Toronto

based in Toronto

Muslim Pride Toronto is a grassroots-led collaboration to celebrate and honour the multitude of queer and trans Muslim experiences and perspectives in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) and beyond,

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Moyo Health and Community Services

based in Peel

For over two decades, Moyo (previously known as Peel HIV/AIDS Network) has provided a growing array of health promotion, education, social and support services for people living with, affected by, and at systemic risk of HIV. Through collaborative efforts and effective service delivery, Moyo has become the leading HIV/AIDS service provider for Peel’s communities of Mississauga, Brampton and Caledon.

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No Conversion Canada

based in Ottawa

We are a national, nonpartisan, grassroots organization and registered nonprofit dedicated to ending conversion “therapy”/conversion practices. We work directly with conversion “therapy” survivors, the LGBTQ2+ community, civil society organizations, medical professionals, academics and policymakers to raise awareness about conversion practices in Canada, develop comprehensive legislation to outlaw this abuse at all levels of government and develop fulsome survivor supports to foster healing.

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OCASI (Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants)

based in Toronto

OCASI’ Positive Spaces Initiative (PSI) aims to support the settlement sector to more effectively serve LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, two-spirit, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, pansexual, genderqueer, etc.) newcomers. PSI encourages training, education, leadership and resource-sharing to support LGBTQ+ newcomers, staff, volunteers and community members.

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Ontario Aboriginal HIV/AIDS Strategy

The goal of the Ontario Aboriginal HIV/AIDS Strategy is to provide culturally respectful and sensitive programs and strategies to respond to the growing HIV/AIDS epidemic among Aboriginal Peoples in Ontario, through promotion, prevention, long-term care, treatment and support initiatives consistent with harm reduction principles.

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Ontario Digital Literacy and Access Network

The Ontario Digital Literacy and Access Network offers a directory of existing digital literacy and access services along with their own resources on how the digital divide is impacting 2SLGBTQIA+ communities.

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Ottawa Coalition to End Violence Against Women (OCTEVAW)

The Ottawa Coalition to End Violence Against Women (OCTEVAW) focuses its efforts in three key areas:

1. Prevention — engaging with individuals and public institutions across the community to share best practices for preventing gender-based violence and supporting community-wide prevention efforts;

2. Public education and movement building — challenging the cultural norms that perpetuate GBV and isolate survivors;

3. Amplifying front-line voices — giving voice and resources to those who work with survivors of violence to ensure that their expertise informs public policy and contributes to legislative reform.

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Ottawa Senior Pride Network

based in Ottawa

The Ottawa Senior Pride Network (OSPN) began in 2008 at Centretown Community Health Centre (CCHC). CCHC has a long history of supporting queer health in the city. At first, OSPN held meetings with a variety of groups that support or serve seniors. The idea was to talk about how they could help, or work with, our community better. Then, in 2010, with a grant from the New Horizons Program from the Federal Government and a lot of support from CCHC, OSPN held a large community event, Taking LGBT Aging Out of the Closet.

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Ottawa Trans Library

The Ottawa Trans Library houses a collection of books by trans authors, as well as historical, important and interesting works on trans issues and people.

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Out on the Shelf

based in Ottawa

Out On The Shelf is an inclusive LGBTQ2IA+ library and resource centre. We strive to provide a safe space for all members of the queer and trans communities and their allies.

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OutLoud North Bay

based in North Bay

OUTLoud North Bay is an organization driven by volunteers willing to support the mental health and well being of our youth within North Bay and surrounding communities.

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based in Niagara

OUTniagara is a community organization that began in November 2004 with the purpose of uniting Niagara’s sexual and gender-diverse community.

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Pink Turf Soccer League

based in Toronto

Pink Turf is an adult, non-profit recreational soccer league founded in 1985 as a safe space for gay women. Today, we welcome members from across the 2SLGBTQ+ spectrum including Indigenous two-spirit people and intersex people. PTSL understands trans to be an inclusive term which includes trans men, trans women and non-binary folks (including genderqueer and genderfluid people).

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based in Toronto

A civic leadership platform for young Black, Indigenous, and racialized women & gender-diverse people. On a mission to build leadership capacity among young Black, Indigenous, and racialized women and gender-diverse youth to advance gender equity and justice.

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Planned Parenthood Toronto

based in Toronto

Planned Parenthood Toronto is a pro-choice community health centre that advances and advocates for the sexual health, health, and well being of youth.

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Pride Centre of Shelbourne

The Pride Centre is an independent, student-run service that strives to promote and represent a culture of affirmation through the celebration of individual diversity and choice in all areas of life.

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Progressive Copts

Progressive Copts is a program of Informed Immigrants, a registered nonprofit. Progressive Copts challenges hate and conversion practices in racialized immigrant and newcomer communities. They equip racialized LGBTQ+ people and allies with tools to challenge hate in their communities and online. They create online spaces for racialized immigrant LGBTQ+ folks from faith-based backgrounds. One of these spaces is for the largest Middle Eastern minority group in Canada, Coptic Egyptians.

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Project Agape

Project Agape is a Black, survivor-led organization that was founded and is run by Black survivors who aim to educate on all aspects of gender-based violence and support and promote wellness in survivors. 

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Proud Rainbow Voices: 2SLGBTQ+ Educators Network

based in Bowman

This network is open to all educators that self-identify as 2SLGBTQ+ and work in the Education field (e.g., Elementary, Secondary, Public, Catholic, Private, College, University, Separate, Psychologists, Counselors, etc). Research states that 1 in 10 identify as 2SLGBTQ+

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based in Missisauga

QTBIPOC sauga began in January 2016, as a way of responding to the serious lack in spaces for queer and trans Black, Indigenous and People of Colour in Peel. We host a community-driven informal meetup every month in central Mississauga. In 2019, we began hosting meetups in Brampton. We also host events (on our own and in collaboration with other groups), and do advocacy.

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Qu'ART - Ottawa Queer Arts Collective

based in Ottawa

Qu’ART is an arts collective of Ottawa-based arts professionals. Our goal is to heighten LGBTQ2S+/ queer artistic activity and broaden intersectional discourse in Ottawa throughout 2019, through increased visibility and programming opportunities for under-represented queer-identified artists, within allied arts organizations and festivals.

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Queer Creator Connections

Queer Creator Connections is on a mission to empower Queer and gender diverse artists and creators. They exist to support and grow the connections, opportunities, and successes of these creators.

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Queer Events

based in London

QE was founded in 2016 by a small group of 2SLGBTQ+ folks who combined their skills and resources to start a community group focused on creating opportunities to connect while also providing meaningful contributions in order to work towards a more diverse and welcoming queer community for anyone who identifies as 2SLGBTQ+.

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Queer Intersections

Queer Intersections represents a group of people who came together for the purpose of creating, establishing and maintaining an environment that is a safe and inclusive place for the Two Spirit LGBTQIA+/Rainbow community. Located in London, Ontario Canada, they strive to educate the community on Two Spirit LGBTQIA+/Rainbow topics while maintaining a positive relationship with the community. Their focus includes but is not limited to the promotion of health, wellness and expression/exploration for individuals across the lifespan from youth to seniors in the Two Spirit LGBTQIA+/Rainbow community.

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Queer Toronto Literary Magazine

based in Toronto

Queer Toronto Literary Magazine is a non-profit dedicated to elevating and celebrating queer voices in Canada.

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Queer Muslim Network

based in GTA

Community-based organization serving queer and trans Muslims in Toronto and the GTA.

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Rainbow Carleton

based in Ottawa

Serving 2SLGBTQIA+ post-secondary students on unceded Algonquin territory.

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Rainbow Optimist Club

based in Southwestern Ontario

Dedicated to bettering the lives of LGBT2Q+ rural youth, their families and their communities in Elgin, Middlesex and Oxford Counties.

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Rainbow Collective of Thunder Bay

based in Thunder Bay

Rainbow Collective of Thunder Bay is an inclusive, supportive and empowering home for the Gender and Sexual Diversity (GSD) communities, including those in the Two-Spirit and Intersex community with various forms of attractions and other intersecting identities of Thunder Bay & Northwestern Ontario.

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Rainbow Ottawa Student Experience (ROSE)

based in Ottawa

Founded in April of 2020, ROSE began as the ‘GSRC Community’ server, and later rebranded to ‘Rainbow Carleton’ in the fall of 2020. Our original purpose was simply to provide social connection to 2SLGBTQIA+ Carleton students during the pandemic. As time went on and our membership grew, we began running events and creating support programs like the Affirming Gear Program. Then, we launched our first ever protest action against a transphobe attacking the autonomy and right of trans youth to exist. The community’s response was incredible, from participation to fundraising to social media engagement. After this we determined that we should expand our mandate and begin formally widening our membership, and thus the Rainbow Ottawa Student Experience was born.

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Reelout Arts Project Inc.

Reelout exists to celebrate queer media arts and contribute to community vitality by programming materials that focus on issues of sexuality, race, culture, religion, class, gender, ability, health and age in Kingston and its surrounding area.

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Réseau ACCESS Network - HIV/Hepatitis Health and Social Services

based in Sudbury

Réseau ACCESS Network is a non-profit, community-based charitable organization, committed to promoting wellness, harm and risk reduction and education. Réseau ACCESS Network supports individuals – and serves the whole community – in a comprehensive / holistic approach to HIV/AIDS, Hep C and related health issues.

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Rittenhouse: A New Vision

based in Toronto

Rittenhouse envisions and will work towards a non-carceral, accountable and just society that promotes government responsibility, community accountability, care for all members of society and the resolution of conflicts and social harms without resorting to exclusion and punishment.

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Saefty Ottawa

based in Ottawa

SAEFTY is Ottawa’s only independent youth group run entirely by and for trans and gender diverse youth. SAEFTY provides drop-in programming and community events for trans and gender diverse children, youth, and people of all ages.

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Salut Pride

Salut Pride brings people together from Sault Ste. Marie and the Algoma District’s 2SLGBTQIA+ population and allies to celebrate and take action when necessary. They nurture relationships not only within the Queer community, but also with all levels of government, community agencies, major employers, educational institutions, and Pride organizations across the province to build webs of safety.

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Senior Pride Network of Niagara

based in Port Colborne

The newly-formed Senior Pride Network Niagara was developed in response to a Niagara-wide environmental scan (Spring-2016) that documented a dearth of programs and services aimed at older LGBT citizens and a need for training of service providers. The group aims to improve on and expand the programs and services for and with older LGBT people in the region. Network meetings will take place quarterly. 

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Sex Workers' Action Program of Hamilton

based in Hamilton

The Sex Workers’ Action Program of Hamilton is a non-partisan group consisting of concerned individuals —including those with lived experience— agencies, and groups committed to assisting and supporting those working in the sex trade industry.

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Spectrum WR

based in Kitchener

SPECTRUM serves, affirms, and supports the well-being of 2SLGBTQ+ people in Waterloo Region. We welcome all members of 2SLGBTQ+ communities, their family, friends, and allies.

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SPACE Kenora

based in Kenora

SPACE Kenora is a weekly youth group for LGBT2S+ youth and allies.

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Stratford Perth Pride

based in Stratford

Stratford-Perth Pride provides LGBTQ2S+ programming to make Perth County a more welcoming, accepting and inclusive community for gender and sexually diverse individuals.

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SWAN Waterloo

based in Waterloo

Sex Workers’ Action Network (SWAN) of Waterloo Region is a non-partisan group consisting of individuals, including those with lived experience, agencies, and groups committed to recognizing and honouring individuals working in sex work.

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Speqtrum Hamilton

based in Hamilton

For Us, By Us speqtrum is a program of YWCA Hamilton that is youth-founded and youth-focused. speqtrum focuses on skill-sharing and community building for 2S-LGBTQIA+ young people in Hamilton, ON. We aim to build community among 2S-LGBTQIA+ youth by offering a variety of programs and supports.

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The ArQuives

The ArQuives was established to aid in the recovery and preservation of our histories. Its mandate is to acquire, preserve, organize, and give public access to information and materials in any medium, by and about LGBTQ2+ people, primarily produced in or concerning Canada

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The Cyborg Circus Project

based in Toronto

The Cyborg Circus Project is a disability-led and focused circus and dance collective that bridges the gap between recreational and professional movement arts in Toronto, Canada.

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The 519

based in Toronto

The 519 is committed to the health, happiness and full participation of the LGBTQ2S communities. A City of Toronto agency with an innovative model of Service, Space and Leadership, we strive to make a real difference in people’s lives, while working to pr

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The Bridge Brant

based in Brantford

The Bridge is a grassroots committee that works to identify and address inequities that are experienced by the diverse 2SLGBTQ+ communities within Brantford and Brant County

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The Outreach Social Care Foundation

The Outreach Social Care Foundation is Black-led, Black-serving, and Black-focused grassroots non-profit organization that has the responsibility to lead by example in advancing human rights and support the human rights defenders at risk in Canada. They have been advocating for the principles of social justice, promoting gender equality, environment, climate change, food security, education, and rights of 2SLGBTIQ+ people.

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The Rainbow Club

The Rainbow Club of South Georgian Bay’s mission is to connect members of the local LGBTQ+ community and the community at large to collaborate on providing advocacy and awareness, communication, hosting social events, and developing member-focused programs and partnerships.

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The Ten Oaks Project

based in Ottawa

The Ten Oaks Project is a charitable organization working to help children, youth and families from 2SLGBTQ+ (two spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer) communities thrive. Based in Ottawa, the Ten Oaks Project was founded in 2004 and offers affirming and life changing camp and local programs for children, youth and families.

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The UPlift Black Centre for Social Justice & Inclusion

based in Barrie

Passionately believe that UPlift Black lends itself and its values to all people regardless of race, color, gender identity, religion, or orientation. Each of our “UPlifters” carries with them an extraordinarily strong sense and understanding of intersectionality with views focused through a lens of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

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TG Innerselves / Sudbury Action Centre for Youth

based in Sudbury

We will strive to become beacons to our communities and try to set a good example so that those who struggle with gender identity issues may come out and know there is support. INNERSELVES will also strive to become the foremost support group in Northern Ontario to assist those who are struggling with gender identity issues

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Toronto Bi+ Network

based in Toronto

Toronto Bi+ Network (TBN) is committed to operating within an anti-oppression framework. We oppose biphobia, transphobia, homophobia, ableism, anti-black racism, anti-Indigenous racism, prejudice against people of colour, islamophobia, and antisemitism. We denounce white supremacy and recognise that systemic racism continues to be a major problem in Canada.

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Toronto PFLAG

based in Toronto

Toronto Pflag promotes the health and well-being of LGBTQ2S+ people by helping to keep families together through Support and Education.

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Toronto Queer Swim Club

Their vision is to create an empowering community within sport for trans & non-binary athletes to celebrate themselves and each other.

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based in Guelph

A Storytelling Project by, for, and with the Transgender Community

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TransQ of Barrie

TransQ is a peer support group for transgender, non-binary & gender diverse folks in Barrie and area.

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Trans Wellness Ontario

Trans Wellness Ontario is a mental wellness organization that provides low-barrier support to individuals and families.

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Tri-Pride Community Association

Tri-Pride Community Association is the non-profit Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer+ (LGBTQ+) pride celebration in Cambridge, Kitchener, Waterloo and area in Ontario, Canada. They are Canada’s largest true Regional Pride Festival based on the quality and variety of its programming and events. Their regional community is a proponent of diversity, innovation and talent.

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Welcome Friend Association

based in Thessalon

Welcome Friend Association (WFA) educates and promotes awareness in society regarding gender, sexual identities and expressions.

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Where Are You From Collective

based in Toronto

WAYF aims to build capacity for marginalized and racialized Queer and Trans people, as well as connecting diasporic racialized queer and trans communities in order to create intentional dialogue that disrupts the heteronormative status quo. Our aim is to celebrate BIPOC Queer and Trans identities, creative expressions, endeavours, and achievements. ​Our work utilizes anti-oppression, anti-racist framework, as well as embracing trauma-informed and transformative justice practices.

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Wildseed Centre for Art & Activism

Wildseed Centre is a multipurpose community space that serves to nurture radical Black experimentation and creation. In addition to housing the office space for its own operations and Black Lives Matter–Canada, Wildseed Centre is a site of activity to support Black radical organizing and artistry. It was birthed through a recognition that there is a need for enduring space to cultivate creative experiments led by Toronto’s diverse Black communities. It is a transfeminist, queer affirming space politically aligned with supporting Black liberation work across Canada.

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Why We March LGBT

based in Ottawa

We are a group of likeminded individuals working to help improve the daily lives of those in the 2SLGBTIA+ community. We originally formed to create educational resources and displays that could be used at events to help educate the public as well as 2SLGBTIA+ community on issues affecting them. Since then we have been discussing the opening of a dedicated centre within London in which we could deploy a more diverse amount of programs and services.

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Prince Edward Island

Gender Affirming Care PEI

Their vision is to make Prince Edward Island and Atlantic Canada one of the safest places for transgender, gender-divergent, transsexual, and intersex people to live long, safe, healthy, fulfilling lives.

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PEERS Alliance

based in Charlottetown

PEERS Alliance supports those living with and at risk for HIV, Hep C, and all sexually transmitted infections in PEI by offering a variety of programs and services targeted to diverse communities.

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Pride PEI Inc.

based in Charlottetown

Pride PEI is an incorporated not-for-profit organization serving the Island’s 2SLGBTQIA+ community. While most people are aware of us as the group behind the annual PEI Pride Festival and Parade, we are also a resource for the local queer community year-round. Tracing our beginnings back to the Abegweit Rainbow Collective (ARC), we have been a leader in celebrating diversity and inclusion for over twenty-eight years. Our MISSION is to create an inclusive community through social events, education, and advocacy. We seek to uplift and center the voices of our most marginalized members, recognizing that social equality does not equal social equity.

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AGIR (Action LGBTQI+ avec les Immigrant.e.s et les réfugié.e.s)

based in Montréal

AGIR Montréal (Action LGBTQIA+ avec les ImmigrantEs et RéfugiéEs) is an autonomous non-profit organization, by and for the LGBTQIA+ migrant community living in Montreal.

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Aide aux Trans du Québec (ATQ)

based in Montréal

Together we contribute to the demystification of false narratives & the realities of trans & non-binary people by representing the ATQ concerning civic or social equality. We are also engaged in advocating for equality inside the LGBTQIA2S+ community and in the world. These representations allow trans individuals to gradually experience greater freedom in their social, cultural and economic life.

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AIDS Community Care Montreal (ACCM)

based in Montreal

ACCM is Quebec’s only English-language community organization that provides services for people living with HIV or hepatitis C. Our peer support, practical assistance and treatment information programs aim to improve the quality of life of our members and encourage their personal development. ACCM’s volunteer-driven community engagement is at the foundation of our efforts to prevent sexually-transmitted and blood-borne infections. We coordinate innovative sex education projects that promote confidence and wellbeing. We also take leadership advocating on important hepatitis C and HIV-related issues such as discrimination, treatment and prevention. Each of our actions is rooted in the meaningful involvement of persons living with HIV and hepatitis C, through community input, volunteer participation, and membership-driven program development. The voices of our members are central to ACCM’s guidance and we work in collaboration with our many communities to build a compassionate and caring response to HIV and hepatitis C.

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Canadian Association of Education and Outreach (CAEO Québec)

based in Montreal

We are a charitable volunteer organisation founded in 1976 originally operating under the name of Gay Line. Since then, the organisation has grown to reflect the needs of the Québec English-Speaking LGBTQ+ Community and to take on a new identity. Our mission is to combat homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, queerphobia, intersexism and heterosexism. We strive for equal status and equal opportunity within our society and aim to eliminate mere tolerance and achieve real acceptance.

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Archives gaies du Québec

based in Montreal

The Quebec Gay Archives have a mandate to acquire, conserve and promote all documentation which relates to the history of LGBTQ+ organizations and individuals in Quebec: To promote the diversity and the inclusion of LGBTQ+ people, to continuously update its collection on all aspects of gender and sexuality, to promote research on sexual minorities and gender and recognition of the contribution of the same to the history of Quebec.

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ARCG Ainés et retraites de la communauté

based in Montreal

L’ARCG est un regroupement d’aînés et de retraités gais de 50 ans et plus organisant des rencontres et des événements à Montréal.

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Alliance Arc-en-ciel de Québec

based in Quebec City

Our mission is to mobilize and raise awareness of the issues and concerns of people of sexual and gender diversity (SGD) and to ensure their inclusion and advocacy.

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Centre de solidarité lesbienne (CSL)

based in Montreal

A place of exchange and support by and for lesbians+. By lesbian, we mean: anyone who has lesbian (romantic and/or sexual) attractions, regardless of assigned gender at birth, gender identity (cisgender, trans, non-binary, agender, queer, etc.) or gender expression.

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Centre for Gender Advocacy

based in Montreal

The Centre for Gender Advocacy (the Centre) is an independent, student-funded, Concordia University organization, mandated to promoting gender equality and empowerment particularly as it relates to marginalized communities. This mandate is achieved through ongoing programming, campaigns, resources, services, advocacy, and a commitment to accessibility.

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Centre communautaire LGBTQ+ de Montréal

based in Montreal

Founded in 1988, the Montreal LGBTQ+ Community Center is an anchor point for its members and a living space where recreational, socio-cultural and humanitarian services are offered, which promote well-being and improve the living conditions of people from gender and sexual diversity (GSD) communities.

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Chorale TransMasc

Chorale TransMasc is a Montreal-based choir created by and for transmasculine individuals, non-binary individuals, and/or butch (cis or trans) individuals wishing to explore lower vocal ranges for gender affirmation purposes, under the guidance of the Association of Transmasculine People of Quebec (APTQ).

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Coalition d'aide à la diversité sexuelle de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue

based in Rouyn-Noranda

Grouping of people wanting to make a difference for LGBT people in A.T. providing support and training for all those who want to learn more.

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Centre Interligne Inc

based in Montreal

Through our 24-hour help and information service, we offer support to LGBTQ+ people, their loved ones and staff in various settings. Through our training and awareness activities, we encourage greater openness in society towards LGBTQ+ realities.

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Divergenres is a non-profit organization whose mission is to educate the population on the realities and issues that affect gender plurality, to offer support services to people in questioning or in transition and to provide caring and accessible spaces for trans, non-binary, queer and gender non-conforming people.

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Diversité 02

based in Chicoutimi

Diversité 02 is the central reference in the greater Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean region for issues affecting lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, intersex, two-spirited people and other sexual and/or gender identities.

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Conseil québécois LGBT

based in Montréal

The Quebec LGBT Council is the central reference in Quebec for the defense of human rights.

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 The mission of ESPACE LGBTQ+ is to develop and manage a real estate network of affordable, accessible, and suitable spaces for community groups of sexual and gender diversity.

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Euphorie dans le genre

based in Montréal

Euphorie dans le genre is a collective of trans people with diverse backgrounds and lives: we are transgender, transsexual, non binary, gender non-conforming, racialized, migrant, neurodiverse, students, sex workers, artists, precarious workers, community organizers…

For 6 years, Euphorie dans le genre has organized events and activities, including the Trans March, the Trans Community Picnic, the Euphorie concert, community workshops, and has ensured that a media presence on trans issues reaches the general public.

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Earthbound Futures

Earthbound supports 2SLGBTQ+ artists, athletes, and activists in the creation of workshops and live shows that mix theatre, wrestling, and other interdisciplinary arts.

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Festival Fierté Montréal

based in Montréal

Fierté Montréal, also called Montreal Pride, is an annual LGBT pride festival in Montreal, Quebec. The event was founded in 2007 at the initiative of Montreal’s LGBTQ+ communities after the city’s prior Pride festival, Divers/Cité, repositioned itself as a general arts and music festival.

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Fierté Val-d’Or

based in Val-d’Or

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FEMTL strives for a world where all trans women and transfeminine people feel empowered in their identities and feel safe to be themselves with their families and friends, at their workplaces, and in their everyday lives.

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Fondation Émergence Inc.

Fondation Emergence works to educate, inform and sensitize the population to the lived experiences of people within a broad range of sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expressions. This includes but is not limited to those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, intersex and two-spirit (2S).

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Gay and Grey Montréal

based in Montreal

Formed in 2018 to help reduce isolation among older members of the English-speaking 2S.L.G.B.T.Q.I.A.+ community in Montreal. We use the term ‘gay’ as an over-arching term for the whole community that includes two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual and anyone else who identifies as belonging to the community. We aim to be as inclusive as possible and are working to learn more about each other’s identities and how we can respect one another in all that we do.

We promote a lifestyle where seniors can live their lives with dignity in an affirming, inclusive, supportive and healthy environment. We organize social activities such as potluck suppers, museum visits, cinema, 5 à 7s, outings to local markets, and community events and hold a weekly social gathering on Friday.

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GRIS Estrie

based in Sherbrooke

Mission is to promote better knowledge of sexual and gender diversity and to facilitate the integration of LGBT+ people into society.

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GRIS Chaudière-Appalaches

Le Groupe régional d’intervention sociale (GRIS) is a non-profit community organization whose mission is to demystify sexual diversity and gender plurality, as well as to prevent sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections by promoting healthy and responsible sexuality.

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Gris Montreal

based in Montreal

GRIS-Montréal, which stands for Research and Social Intervention Group, is a non-profit community organization that demystifies sexual orientation and gender identity by sharing testimonies of lived experiences. We are a family of more than 250 volunteers working tirelessly to build a more open and accepting society.

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GRIS Mauricie/Centre-du-Québec

based in Trois-Rivières

The Groupe régional d’intervention sociale (GRIS) Mauricie/Centre-du-Québec is a non-profit community organization that promotes a better understanding of sexual and gender diversity and facilitates the integration of LGBT+ people into society.

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Gris Quebec

based in Duck Lake

Willow Cree Health is a health, wellness and fitness company based out of Saskatchewan, Canada.

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The Indigiqueer Circle of Québec is a dynamic and inclusive organization that advocates for the well-being and rights of 2SLGBTQIA+ of Tiohtià:ke and across Quebec Territories.

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Initiative Communautaire de Renforcement des Capacités

Built on nearly 25 years of accounting experience in the nonprofit community sector by committed professionals from trans and non-binary communities who are dedicated to building the capacity of our communities, we work collaboratively with professionals committed to economic and professional well-being of underserved 2SLGBTQ+ people.

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JAG (Jeunes adultes gai.e.s)

JAG offers services for anyone in Montérégie West, Center and East, directly or indirectly affected by affective, sexual and gender diversity, or in questioning.

Its service offer is divided into five components: individual meetings, group meetings, workshops and training adapted to educational and professional environments, sexual health education and services adapted to seniors.

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Jeunesse Lambda

based in Montréal

A community organization created by and for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer and questioning youth from 14 to 30 years old.

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Jeunes Identité Créative - Gender Creative Kids

By empowering parents and their children, educating communities, offering innovative and evidence-informed resources, and advocating for the rights of trans youth, we aspire to a world that is a safe and joyful place for all children.

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Juritrans offers law by and for Trans people. Using written information, written by jurists and law students, about the name and gender marker change process in Quebec, Juritrans answers questions, offers information, and accompanies anyone with the process of changing one’s legal name and/or legal gender marker in Quebec.

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La Débrouille

La Débrouille is an independent community organization whose mission is to promote and defend the rights of cis women and trans people who are victims of intimate partner violence and their children, to offer them support and accommodation services and to support them.

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Le Néo

based in Terrebonne

Le Néo is a regional autonomous community organization in the Lanaudière region that works in the field of well-being and healthy emotional and sexual habits.

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Les 3 Sex

Les 3 Sex is a charity organization that fights for sexual rights and sexual health by mobilizing the population around sexological issues through dissemination, awareness and educational projects that specifically target women, gender and sexually diverse people. 

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based in Montréal

Autonomous collective for Trans* women and TMA fems & enbies.

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LGBT+ Family Coalition/ Coalition des familles LGBT+

The LGBT+ Family Coalition is a community rights organization that aims for the social and legal recognition of families from sexual diversity and gender plurality.

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Projet 10

based in Montréal

Project 10 envisions a world where 2LGBTQ+ youth are safe and empowered to become change makers through access to the resources, support and meaningful connections that allow them to explore their identities on their own terms.

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based in Montréal

QueerTech strives to queer the tech ecosystem by breaking down barriers, creating spaces, and connecting communities to support and empower LGBTQ2S+ people to thrive.

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Queer McGill

based in Montréal

University Centre in room 432, our office is home to many resources including BUT not limited to: our incredible anglo queer-specific library, safer sex supplies, gender-affirming products, a microwave and refrigerator. Our office is a great place to hang out in between class and we are always looking for staffers to help keep the office a safer space.

QM organizes a number of events throughout the year including weekly games nights, Rad Sex Month, Drag & Burlesque, seasonal events, a larger end of semester party, and more!

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RÉZO Santé

based in Montréal

RÉZO is a Montreal-based non-profit community organization that has been active since 1991 with gay, bisexual and men who have sex with men (MSM), both cis and trans. RÉZO develops and coordinates education and prevention activities for HIV and other STBBIs in the context of sexual health promotion and offers education and promotion activities for mental, physical and social health.

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Sidetracks Screenprinting Collective

based in Montréal

Sidetracks is a collective whose mandate is to make screenprinting accessible to projects and organizations working for social change, especially those that work around anti-racism, anti-facism, queer liberation and that support anti-colonial struggles

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Trans Outaouais

Trans Outaouais is a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote the development of harmonious relations within the LGBTQIA2S+ community and the inclusion of gender-diverse people and all other intersections.

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based in Drummondville

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West Island LGBTQ2+ Centre

based in Beaconsfield

…provide a safe space for LGBTQ2+ individuals to explore their sexual and gender identities
…provide a safe space for LGBTQ2+ youth, adults, seniors, and families to socialize and foster inclusiveness
…offer educational programs for LGBTQ2+ people and for the wider community in schools, senior’s homes and various institutions
​…reduce prejudice and bullying towards the LGBTQ2+ community
…be a resource to the community and allies regarding LGBTQ2+ issues
…advocate for the LGBTQ2+ community regarding social and public policy

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based in Sherbrooke

Born from the Groupe d’action trans de l’Université de Sherbrooke founded in 2016, TransEstrie is a community organization that aims to support, accompany and represent trans and non-binary people in the Estrie region.

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based in Saskatoon

Saskatoon and area’s 2slgbtq community centre and service provider. We believe in a bolder, braver, and safer future for all. We strive towards this by providing support services, youth housing, and education and research services through a harm reduction, culturally informed, equity-seeking, and community-based approach.

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Trans Sask Support Services

based in Saskatoon

TransSask Support Services is a province wide non-profit organization that supports and acts as a resource network for trans-identified, genderqueer, intersex and gender non-conforming individuals, their spouses, family, friends, and allies.

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UR Pride Centre for Sexuality & Gender Diversity

based in Regina

The UR Pride Centre for Sexuality and Gender Diversity is a non-profit service provider housed at the University of Regina.

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Saskatchewan Pride Network

Saskatchewan Pride Network seeks to support and empower 2SLGBTQIA+ people living in smaller communities across Saskatchewan.

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Willow Cree Health Services

based in Duck Lake

Willow Cree Health is a health, wellness and fitness company based out of Saskatchewan, Canada.

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Queer Yukon

based in Yellowknife

Queer Yukon Society supports, promotes, and organizes events for the 2SLGBTQIA+ community and our allies in Whitehorse, Yukon. Officially incorporated in 2018, Queer Yukon has been organizing Yukon Pride since 2013, as well as many other events to bring together 2SLGBTQIA+ and allied Yukoners to build a strong and vibrant community.

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