5 ways to create safer and more welcoming spaces for Black 2SLGBTQ+ communities

This content, which is also on our Instagram, was created through a collaboration between Northern Voices Rising and the Enchanté Network.

2SLGBTQ+ organizations must do more to support the Black 2SLGBTQ+ community.

Many queer and trans spaces were created by white folks, without an intersectional lens related to supporting Black 2SLGBTQ+ communities. Often, these organizations don’t meet the needs of their Black community members.

There is no “one size fits all” solution. 2SLGBTQ+ organizations need to confront systemic barriers that harm 2SLGBTQ Black folks’ mental health and well being. It is crucial to use dual lenses of both 2SLGBTQ inclusion and anti-Black racism.

Organizations must work with local Black 2SLGBTQ+ communities to create a tailored approach. We must acknowledge that there are unique needs for to Black 2SLGBTQ folks, especially Black transgender and nonbinary people.

Here are 5 ways to create safer and more welcoming spaces for Black 2SLGBTQ+ Communities:

1. Stand up for the Black Lives Matter Movement, and:
– Attend BLM protests.
– Donate to Black-led organizations.
– Properly fund your organization’s programs that support people with intersecting Black and 2SLGBTQ+ identities.

2. Strive to be anti-racist and create actionable change by asking the following questions:
– Do you have anti-racist policies and a robust code of conduct?
– Is your organizational structure inclusive?
– Do you use inclusive messaging?
– Do you have representation without inclusion?

3. Have tailored resources available for Black 2SLGBTQ+ people

It can be difficult for Black 2SLGBTQ+ folks to access counseling from a mental health professional. One area that should be addressed is how to increase access to tailored treatment, culturally-grounded care, and prevention programs.

4. Continuing education for your staff and community members
– Organizations should create meaningful partnerships with Black-led groups.
– Organizations can run community and staff trainings on anti-Black racism.
– You should have resources available on anti-racism, especially by authors from the Black community.
– Organizations should engage in conversations around Blackness and whiteness

5. Reach out and get paid input from the Black 2SLGBTQ+ community

Receiving (paid) input from the Black 2SLGBTQ+ community is key to running inclusive and anti-racist organizations. You must offer honorariums for their contributions and understand that this work can be heavy, and possibly triggering.

This content was created through a collaboration between Northern Voices Rising and the Enchanté Network. Northern Voices Rising is a QTBIPOC and BIPOC collective. They are located on the Traditional Territories of the Kwanlin Dün First Nation, the Ta’an Kwächän Council, and the Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in First Nation, of which the colonial names are Whitehorse and Dawson City in the Yukon.

REFERENCES “How to be an Anti-racist” by Ibram X. Kendi

“Pride Month is over, but the work isn’t. 5 ways you can be an ally to the Black LGBTQ+ community”; an article by David Oliver for USA Today