As a network representing people who hold a multitude of intersectional identities and experiences, it is our responsibility to create and uphold safe spaces. However, as a new organization founded this year, we have encountered a gap in our policies, training, and organizational preparation. That gap is in creating and maintaining safe spaces during events and programming. Through feedback from our membership this week, we have heard how this gap in preparedness has caused harm.
We are sharing this information to hold ourselves accountable to taking measures towards mitigating harm in the future. Moving forward, we will be establishing a Policy on Creating Safer Spaces. We will also build protocols for moderation, which will include training for our team.
Community and personal accountability is an important value in our network, and thus we are committed to making this change in a transparent way. We commit to sharing a plan on safer spaces with our members at our AGM in January.
As always, our member organizations are at the core of our work. Your feedback will be fundamental to building a strong, vibrant network of local 2Spirit and LGBTQ+ organizations that centres community safety.